Whether I'm creating, directing or acting, I am grounded in the essential desire to spread love, investigate the truth, and offer meaningful experiences. Each project aims to seek a deeper understanding of human behaviour by examining relationships
(with each other and the environment), social systems and/or constructs, and their respective intersections.
Through these explorations, I hope to impress upon others that the manifestation of love in its various forms ultimately leads to the betterment of humankind. Our ability to reason is just as significant as our capacity for love. Love allows us to approach the seeking of knowledge and truth from a place of openness.
But underneath all that, what I really love is telling a meaningful yet entertaining story.
So essentially, my work focuses on enriching the heart and mind through entertainment.
Blah. I'm generally more interested in hearing about you than talking about me, so please reach out through any of my socials or via the contact form below.