Gateway Garden Series
Gateway Theatre, 2021
A series of 3 diverse pieces of work designed for the Gateway Theatre Sky Garden, with an attempt to reinvigorate creative engagement within a community space. Below are brief descriptions of the works:
Gateway Greek Chorus
The first of the series and a symbolic beginning, seeing as the beginnings of western theatre originated from Ancient Greece over 2000 years ago. A chorus of youths performed an extract of Agamemnon, an ancient Greek text, depicting a city's triumph against an external enemy, and the mixed feelings between victory and grief for the fallen.
While We Were
A brief solo audio experience where participants went on a journey of recollection with a long lost friend. This piece captured the loss of childhood and moving on from grief.
Pool Party
A site-specific devised work inspired by the pool at the Sky Garden. Representing relaxation, cleansing and vitality, its qualities are remnant of the youth experience as they mature into adults, let go of the past to embrace the new, and shape their futures with determination and purpose.